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Battle Bus

This is NOT a physical product! This is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements.

CHF 24.00

Builder: Charlie

Parts Count: 2952

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Instructions Only!

Fornite is one of the biggest gaming success stories of recent years. Capitalizing on the now ever-popular "Battle Royal" play mode, this fast-paced shooter is the most played game of 2020.  The Battle Bus gets you there, but only you can get Victory Royale. This minifig scale model features a high level of detail, a fully furnished interior, and is structurally strong enough to be hung from above.

The bus fits several minifigures, has opening and closing doors, and can be hung from above for a mid-air pose. 


Includes a partlist for some recommended figs. There is also a PDF for some graphics if you'd like to print them out.

This purchase is for the instructions and part list ONLY. Please do keep in mind prices tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market.

Battle Bus

  • BrickLink Price: ~$380 - $430 USD
  • Part Count: 2952 pieces
  • Dimensions: Length 32 cm, width 17 cm, height 42 cm

Designer Brick Vault: flickr

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